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Neither should you. Find out where you are losing money and why? Efficient energy savings requires more than replacing old technologies with new technologies. It's time to focus your resources wisely and attain full value for your money. A site audit can identify quick wins; these are changes than can be implemented immediately to save you energy, water and money without having to purchase any new technologies. A full site audit will also help create a strong financial arguement towards future investment returns from energy and water effeciency projects. Investing in energy savings is rated one of the most low risk and high return investments available on the markets today. Take a site audit, understand your building and it's requirements. You can start to save thousands today.



Water heating systems can contribute up to 40% of the electric consumption in a house hold. Our site audits are designed to expose hungry utilities such as these and also all other appliances within the home that are used daily.





Commercial buildings use most of their power through lighting, up to 60%. Heating and cooling are also strong contributors to the high electricity bills. Here, we examine the entire building operation incuding occupancy, temperature set-points and lighting schedules, to name a few.



Factories, mines and other industry utilize fans, pumps and compressors intensively. These are often oversized; a mistake made by many designers as compesation for loads that are nearly never archived. A site audit will immediately highlight these areas of waste, saving up to millions a year.

Audit Types

Points of interest

  • Lighting

  • HVAC

  • Motors

  • Fans

  • Compressors

  • Appliances

  • Water Sources

  • Water Heating

  • Building Envelope

  • Occupancy & Comfort

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